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Daily Horoscopes

23rd April 2024


Mar 21 - Apr 20

The full moon makes it more than a little tempting to say things you know you shouldn’t. You could, of course, always try addressing the personal confrontation you’ve been avoiding, but then that would mean meeting them halfway, wouldn’t it? Ring now to talk more.


Apr 21 - May 21

The full moon can help with all the mental and creative things you need to achieve. Keep your pace a steady one. You see with conversations you initiate today, who will help and who was speaking for the sake of it. A distance between you and a family member is only temporary. Ring now for focus.


May 22 - June 21

Trust in yourself more, instead of listening to the discouraging words of people you do not even hold in high esteem. The full moon helps you to weigh up with ease, who is good and who is bad for your life. Now all you have to do is put the boundaries in place. Call to hear more about your future.


June 22 - July 23

You don't have to feel as if you are on your own, because you’re not. You have all the support you require. You are sending out vibes you want to be left alone. Money is forecast to arrive which will open up your choices and boost your confidence. Call now for news in full.


July 24 - Aug 23

Don't even think about trying to pull the wool over others' eyes concerning finances. It’s one thing stretching the truth but you almost broke it. Honesty gets you the backup you seek. Don’t be afraid to decline an invitation you know is for how things look, not how you feel. Ring for news in full.


Aug 24 - Sept 23

A time to not bend your head, but to hold it high and look the world straight in the eyes. A career direction you began to come out of is one you can now go back into with ease, thanks to connections made this week and next! Ring now to hear how new job openings beckon for many of your sign.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

The full moon in Scorpio, begins a chapter of self transformation. You know with ease what has to happen next, for you to claim the life you want to live. Phone calls you initiate could change the address you’ll soon live. Ring now for more details.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Although the full moon in your sign brings raw facts to the fore it will show you all that’s right as well as what was wrong. Ring to hear how agreeing to push the limits today in your career can lead to an increase in income.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Choose to be optimistic today. It feels better! The rest of the zodiac cast you in the role of counsellor and you gain information which changes the way you view certain faces you thought you knew well. Ring now to hear more.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

The home needs funds invested and you might have to spend what you'd hoped would be spare, on securing your base. A family member wants a change that does not sit well with you and it’s vital you tell them sooner rather than later, that it’s not going to happen. Call now to find out more.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

All you need is the courage to believe in yourself and put one foot forward in front of the other today. The stars bring a test your way, when you have to decide if a temporary arrangement can ever become a permanent part of your life. Call now for power dates in business.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

Problems in your relationship with a close one's family are forecast, but the blame does not lie completely with one person. When you want to you can be extremely stubborn too. Try a compromise before you take a stand that you cannot easily back down from. Call now to hear a winning plan.

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