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Daily Horoscopes

25th January 2025


Mar 21 - Apr 20

When you say yes to others offers to live life out loud, you say yes to fun and productivity. You are the Sun at the centre of every constellation and others will want to bask in your light. The need to get a reply someone is not ready to give could be your downfall tonight.


Apr 21 - May 21

You’re not seeing things as they are, you’re seeing them as you feel. Making decisions based on emotions only could lead to you doing and saying things you’ll regret. Don’t cancel a family gathering which others are looking forward to. Words you exchange will give you much food for thought.


May 22 - June 21

I know you’ve been stressed but focus on all the good things in your life right now. Free yourself Gemini, of worrying about what may happen. Let go of the anxiety and inhale the life you really want to lead. A liar at work reveals themselves without you having to say a word.


June 22 - July 23

For a sign such as you, it’s really important to get your surroundings as well as yourself into a positive state. You can begin this life clean, by cutting off those who cause you stress and anxiety. Beware paying more than you should for something you shouldn’t even have to take responsibility for.


July 24 - Aug 23

You’re feeling the pressure to do the right thing, but you also know that you owe it to yourself to stand tall for what you want and need. Luckily for you Mars gives you the attitude that you won’t be suffering fools gladly. Work paths you begin now have the makings of great things.


Aug 24 - Sept 23

You’re paying for a mistake you didn’t make. Are you really willing to deal with the baggage a certain person has brought into your life? Routines need to change for someone who’s come to the end of a chapter. You play a key role in helping make the best decisions for their next.


Sept 24 - Oct 23

Emotional upset which others have brought into your life, have had more of an effect on you than they realise. As hard as you can love someone, this can and has turned to hate. In turn you feel stronger than before and more determined to live the life of your dreams.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

You get a clearer indication of who you can and cannot trust. Listen to your instincts, for they’re your new best friend. Fellow Scorpios can keep a secret you’re ready to share. The moon too sees you realising who you should have forgiven that you didn’t.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

The stars place an air of authority over you, which sees others listening when you speak and being more flexible to your needs. Those who weren’t ready to take things to the next level, now are. Financial gambles today could be your downfall.


Dec 22 - Jan 20

Don’t be afraid to take off those blinkers you’ve been wearing. You’ve shaken off those who were fairweather friends, and you’re now left with those who have your back and always will. A good day to negotiate or renegotiate monetary contracts.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

Isn’t it nice to think that each new day is the chance to start again. You’re angry about your past when you should be grateful that it’s taught you so much. You’re a wiser Aquarian than the one I wrote to this time last year. A complicated relationship has light shed on it by rumours heard today.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

Venus in Pisces, trine to Mars retrograde in Cancer, sees you regretting what you didn’t say and do. Hold your head high and go forward. This emotive frame of mind ends with you knowing one hundred percent what must happen next.

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