Personal and professional matters butt heads and make it hard for you to give either your full attention. Someone close to you is trying to tell you what to do but doesn’t really know the whole picture and it’s time you told them a few home truths before you risk a major fall out.
Don’t be afraid to lay all your cards on the table this week. Why, Taurus? Because you can’t go on like this any longer, it is driving you crazy. You have more support than you realise and those who don’t help were never your true friends anyway. Resist telling lies to family who already have more facts than you thought.
There are some major shifts in the skies for you this week which will see many of your sign, making some really big decisions and announcements. Beware of telling those who don’t actually need to know everything too much too soon or you could risk not seeing your final plan come to fruition as you had envisioned.
Expect the unexpected and you’ll still be in for a surprise this week. You’re ready for anything, you just think you’re weaker for all you went through last year. You’re stronger in the broken places and boundaries you set for others this week, proves this fact. Younger faces prove expensive, but for reasons which see you full of pride and admiration.
You haven’t been looking after yourself but you must, my friend. Major events which rocked your world were out of your control and you realise this with what transpires in the next week. Beware of telling lies at work, even white ones. Those you think know nothing, know everything.
Trust in all that you’re feeling and facing, my friend. You’re stronger than you know. Your instincts will lead you well, so don’t let others make you think otherwise. Certain signs this week really are talking for the sake of it. Those of you starting new jobs at this time are blessed by the stars, as our promotions and rises.
Uranus stations direct in Taurus on Thursday and you’re ready to distance yourself from the things which have been making your day to day life more difficult for you. You find your voice and you come across with great intelligence, so use it where it’s most needed and let’s not waste anymore time.
New names and faces you meet at this time are capable of shocking even you Scorpio. You realise that there is something to be said for choosing more time with those who bring routine. You also realise that you’re willing to take things to a level you were not, this time last year. Welcome to the world of grown ups.
On Thursday, the Sun in Aquarius, trine to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini sees you naturally gravitating towards all you love. You find success from being in environments that you enjoy. Solo work paths taken now, promise success and long term satisfaction, so make sure you follow them.
You’re missing someone, but you must not think about them with sadness. Smile when they come to mind or what point was it them being in your life? Love and hate come close together regarding a third party you don’t want in your inner circle. Time is your best friend to discover why they’re worthy of having a place in your life.
Venus in Pisces, trine to Mars retrograde in Cancer, sees you regretting what you didn’t say and do over the last month. Move forward not back and use this emotive frame of mind, to praise yourself for how much you did well. It’s more than you’re giving yourself credit for, my friend.
Uranus turns direct in Taurus and you find you’re stronger in the broken places now. Yes, it took a long time, but you’re back and not a moment too soon! I think from looking at your stars Pisces, that by now you’re running on nervous energy. Don’t be afraid to take a rest and to take some ‘me’ time.
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